Divertissements (Duo)

Divertissements (diversions or distractions), was written in the spirit of Satie, employing some of his compositional elements and aiming for a sense of play and absurdity, things much needed during our Covid-19 pandemic time. You will find childlike melodies, spoken words that seem random, and, finally, a respectful nod to those inspirational Gymnopédies. Special thanks to Heartland Marimba and Jenni Brandon, composer, for guidance and support during its composition, and especially Ujjal Bhattacharyya, for premiering it in a video of his own unique creation as a part of the Heartland Marimba Online Marimba Festival
in December 2020.
$ 18.00
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6:30 minutes
5.0-octave marimba
Medium Easy
performance setting