
Fanfares are curious musical creations: as prelude to presumably
more important events, they purposefully call attention to the
business at hand; yet in doing so, they call plenty of attention to
themselves. Short, fast, loud, to the point – they get the work
done. The business at hand in this piece is the act of performance itself – or, rather, the physical act of actually playing the
instrument. The performer isn't so much playing music as they are
hitting the marimba, trying to defeat his own physical limits. By
pushing the performer past the edge of fatigue, this short piece
suffers under the weight of its own objective. And so, too, might
the audience. ~N.T.
Fanfares was premiered by Matthew Coley at the University of
Utah in Salt Lake City, April of 2014.
$ 15.00
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5.0-octave marimba
performance setting