Stone's Throw

GROWING UP IN RURAL KENTUCKY, when two objects or places were in close proximity to one another, it was often said that they were a "stone's throw" away. Stone's Throw is a piece for intermediate to advanced high school marimba quartet using a 4.3 and 4.5 octave marimba. The goal of this work is to serve as a fun and exciting piece for marimba quartet, only using a minimal set up.
Marimba 1 and Marimba 3 should share a 4.3 octave marimba while Marimba 2 and Marimba 4 share a 4.5 octave. Careful attention should be paid to mallet selection and balance amongst the voices. The section at rehearsal marker "B" requires exceptional dynamic control for the performers to achieve. The main theme of the piece does not actually make its presence known until rehearsal marker "D". When it finally does make its appearance, the theme is flanked by a variety of harmonic and melodic counter-motifs.
In reference to setup, the two marimbas should face one other. This physical setup of the instruments represents the relative distance between the melodic and harmonic structure in the music itself. Stone's
Throw was commissioned by the Heartland Marimba Quartet, and the Iowa Arts Council.
$ 33.00
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One 4.3-octave marimba (shared), One 4.5-octave marimba (shared)
performance setting